New choreography

12 Feb

This past week I actually started following the P90X routine.  I enjoyed the sore muscles I remembered from the chest & back routine but I was not prepared for the sore glutes.  It felt like I ran a marathon again, but uphill most of the way.  Why have I not been paying attention to all those folks who mentioned squats & lunges?  (Face it, I know why.  Because squats & lunges make me HURT.)   The only routine I skipped was the yoga on Thursday since we’re missing that particular DVD.  I replaced it with a 7000 yard swim.  That seems fair, right?

I’m also becoming a big fan of  Zumba.  I like how my friend Rachel teaches it, and I’ve learned to position myself where I can see what she’s doing but not myself in the mirrors.  I prefer to remain in denial about how off-beat my steps are.

While most of the routines on the P90X set are somewhat easy to follow, the Kenpo one stumped me worse than my first Zumba class.  I can barely pat my head & rub my stomach at the same time and this dude is telling me about where to put my feet, as I twist my hips & throw 4 different punches at an imaginary opponent.  I do not have a large mirror in the room to see how my form is, but when it was down to some martial arts style blocking moves, I caught my reflection in the TV screen.  Now, in my head I looked like the Karate Kid, but what I saw on the screen closer resembled Elane’s dancing on “Seinfeld”.

Of course, regardless of what Tony Horton tells me to do, I still need my cardio fix, so each routine was followed by some hill walking, eliptical or a swim.  And a big lunch.

Move along now.

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Posted by on February 12, 2012 in Uncategorized


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